R-5 Views the P-4 (FOUR PLANETS!)

At the invitation from the Western Colorado Astronomy Club, a group of about 30 students and several teachers from R-5 High School visited Grand Mesa Observatory. As one of the teachers noted "it's got to be something really special for high school students to give up a Friday night! And special it was. The buses arrived just before twilight so the group could have a tour of the various observatories. Then they gathered in the roll off roof observatory where Director Terry Hancock, assisted by volunteer Don Stadelman gave them a demonstration on astrophotography. Once all questions were answered, the group headed down to the observing pad where the volunteer astronomers from the club were waiting to show them some night sky wonders. A string of planets stretching across the sky was an attention-getter! 

It was a great experience for both the students as well as the volunteers, a number of whom said it was gratifying to talk to the students about their future dreams and aspirations.
According to their teacher, the students are still talking about their astronomy experience!